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Sunday, December 2, 2012

As Goes Nevada, So Goes the Country!
Nevada GOP Moves Forward with Two Resounding Resolutions

November 6th was a lackluster date for most Republicans, even more so for followers of Ron Paul. After being stomped upon at the Republican National Convention, many went back to their states to lick their wounds and take stock of their chances for liberty candidates in 2014 and 2016.

Nevada was one of the six states which had a plurality of their delegates nominate Ron Paul at the national convention (the others were Minnesota, Iowa, Oregon, Alaska and the U.S. Territory of the Virgin Islands). This exceeded the requirement of the Republican Party’s Rule Number 40 for "support of a plurality of the delegates from each of five or more states." But in a power grab, the RNC changed the number of states from five to eight ex post facto.

Las Vegas is what comes to mind when most people think of Nevada, but the state is actually made up of three very different geographic and cultural divisions. In the north is Washoe County, containing the second largest city in the state: Reno. Washoe and Clark County (Las Vegas) had enough of the Harry Reid voting machine success to turn the state blue November 6th; but all the other rural mining and cow counties in Nevada were decidedly red. For a state whose motto is "Battle Born," the situation hasn’t changed much in almost 150 years since statehood.

Let My Delegates Go!
Ron Paul’s message of liberty is popular with Nevadans, and when the majority of the national delegates elected at the Republican State Convention were his followers, it didn’t take much to figure out that trouble would be brewing. Most of these delegates had been bound from a binding vote that was taken at a 2010 GOP State Central Committee (SCC) meeting regarding the 2012 caucus. Mitt Romney won the caucus in Nevada, and the majority of the delegates were bound to him on the first ballot. Would these delegates throw off their traces in Tampa? If you followed the convention, you know that they did in their attempt to nominate Dr. Paul. Upon their return to Nevada, the Delegation Chair, Dr. Wayne Terhune, along with the delegates who unbound, were sternly censured by the Nevada GOP Executive Committee.


But, Ron Paul’s Nevada following does not take censure lightly, and they were well-prepared for the first post-national election GOP State Central Committee meeting in November. Two resolutions were presented that dealt with the binding, and the rules changes at the national convention ("Re-establish Republican Unity and Principles").

The Opinion on National Delegate Binding Rules resolution, basically stated "...that the Nevada Republican Central Committee (NRCC) finds that the Nevada Special Caucus Rules of 2012 were not properly considered by the NRCC because the body was rushed into a decision on the delegate binding process without proper notice, research, or debate," and "...to formally propose rules at the next regular NRCC meeting to prevent this from occurring in the future, by requiring the same prior notice for the adoption or amending of rules as is currently required for the adopting or amending of the by-laws."

There was testimony from SCC members as to the chicanery involved in the 2010 meeting in which Congressman Mark Amodei, former State Party Chair, implied to County Chairs that the binding would not come up at that meeting, and that "No issues of importance would be decided. Binding won’t be on the agenda." It was a meeting they could miss.

It was brought up that the 2010 SCC vote to bind Nevada’s national delegates also violated the Code of Federal Regulations, 11 CFR 100.2 (e) and 42 USC 1971 - Sec. 1971, Voting Rights, which states: " No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not vote for, any candidate for the office of President."

There was quite strident arguing about parts of the resolution, particularly a paragraph that would have censured Amodei for his manipulation of the 2010 SCC meeting. Those particulars were stricken, but the important body of the resolution remained: the binding violated Nevada GOP State Party Rules, and more importantly, Federal Regulations. The Nevada National Delegates should have never been bound. No state’s delegates should have ever been bound. The resolution passed, and Nevada will never be bound again.

The RNC Rules Were NEVER Passed!
If you were at the GOP National Convention, or watched it on tv, then you witnessed the chaos that ensued when a new set of draconian rules were swept into place, even though it seemed like a majority of the voice vote was "NO!" In spite of the dissension, Convention Chair John Boehner continued to read the teleprompter which scrolled up that the rules were unanimously passed.

Regarding these rules changes, Shawn Meehan presented a Resolution to Reestablish Republican Unity and Principles, or a Resolution to Restore the Power of the Grassroots. Drafted by nine Central Committee and Executive Members, who represented all factions in the state, Meehan explained, "If this resolution passes, we’ll default to 2008 rules. We need to let the RNC know that we are supportive of them, but are petitioning them to obey the rules. We voted unanimously to delay bringing this resolution forward until after the election, out of respect for Romney. Ron Paul is the one who did not get nominated because of the rules change. In the next election, you could be advocating strongly for a minority candidate, but YOU could be disenfranchised. Our rules need to be enforced. We are in direct contact with Vermont, Maine and Texas. They will take this resolution verbatim if we pass it, and consider it for their own resolutions. We don’t want to punish (National Chairman) Rance Priebus, but want to get his attention. Pixie dust, and pretending to get along just doesn’t work."

The resolution (printed at the end of this article), recognizes that the 2012 Rules were never passed and that the 2008 Rules were in effect for the convention, and still are in effect. If that is the case, it "RESOLVED that the Nevada Republican Central Committee petitions the RNC that the record of the 2012 RNC Convention be amended to show that Dr. Ron Paul’s name was put into nomination by the submission of the six nominating forms in accordance with the rules in effect at that time."

In an addendum regarding "Specific Grievances:"

1) The report of the 2012 RNC Convention Rules Committee was not accepted properly. Legitimate cries of "Division" were heard, clearly requiring actions which were not taken (see Rules of the House of Representatives, Rule XX, 1. (a) Voting and Quorum Calls)

2) Therefore, Rule 40(b) could not have been amended and the original requirement for five states remained the criteria. Considering this and that the RNC Secretary was handed candidate nomination forms in accordance with the rules, there should have been a nomination from the floor. The record of the convention fails to reflect this.

When the vote for this resolution came to the floor of the SCC meeting, it passed in a huge outcry of "Aye." Not just the Ron Paul supporters were incensed with the new rules and how they were forced upon the party. Now, this resolution must take wings and fly to the rest of the states and be passed if the party is to truly move on. The final paragraph of the addendum reads: "This Party belongs to all of us and We The People declare that the rules will be followed. Going forward, the duty to ensure integrity in our party falls to all our members. Mr. Clint Eastwood was most correct at our convention when he stated, "We (you and me) own this country...politicians are our employees." The leadership of the RNC are our employees. As Republicans, we must remain engaged and supervise our employees."

Since Nevada’s November SCC meeting, nationally there are now 31 State Committee Co-Sponsors of the Resolution to Restore the Power of the Grassroots. These numbers continue to grow as more states hold their own State Central Committee meetings.

This resolution will be submitted at the RNC Winter Meeting, January 23-26 in Charlotte, NC, at the Westin Hotel. GOP Chair Rance Priebus will also be up for re-election, and his future is bleak for keeping his post at the helm of the party. Besides the Ron Paul factions, the entire grassroots was alienated by the rules changes he orchestrated at the convention, and it is likely that his days are numbered as far as leading the party. His head is also on the chopping block for running what was universally perceived as a dismal campaign for Romney.

Ron Paul Never Got His Nomination Speech
While the passage of these two resolutions by Nevada Republicans were a triumph for those who love liberty, it was little solace for those who had worked so hard, and risked so much to nominate Ron Paul. The good doctor was actually nominated. He could have taken the podium and given the most memorable speech of the convention. Paul’s supporters still fervently believe that if he had been the Republican nominee, Obama would have been defeated. Paul’s message of freedom, peace and sound money rings true with everyone, including the notorious 47%.

But, knowing Dr. Paul, he would look at what happened at the Nevada State Central Committee meeting in November of 2012, along with 30 other states, as proof that his message is still very much alive, and that the flag has never fallen. The cause for liberty has taken over Nevada’s and other state’s Republican Parties, and it is what will unify the GOP nationally, if it is smart enough to realize what a prize it has in the universal movement created by Ron Paul.


Nevada Republican Central Committee


Prior to the 2012 Nevada Republican Caucus, the Nevada Republican Central Committee (NRCC) passed Special Rules to bind Nevada’s Delegates to the 2012 Republican National Convention. These Rules bound the delegates to vote for Presidential Nominees proportionally in accordance with the presidential straw poll balloting held in conjunction with the 2012 caucus, on the first round of voting. Upon review of the process that was followed by the NRCC in passing these Special Rules, it is our opinion that the NRCC leadership at the time of the Nov. 20, 2010, Fallon meeting was disingenuous with the NRCC membership. They did not follow generally accepted standards of courtesy when they failed to provide sufficient notice of rule-making prior to the Nov. 20, 2012, meeting. In fact, statements to the contrary (that the Rules would not be voted on) were made
to certain NRCC members prior to the Fallon meeting. These Rules, which were “approved” in Fallon, and officially enacted in Carson City on April 2, 2011, were submitted to the RNC as the official Nevada presidential nomination process.

WHEREAS it is a generally accepted courtesy that prior notice should be given to the Nevada Republican Central

Committee (NRCC) membership before rules are accepted or amended;

WHEREAS this courtesy was never extended to the voting members of the NRCC regarding the discussion of, or voting on, the Special Caucus Rules relating to binding of National Delegates held in Fallon, Nevada, on Nov. 20, 2010;

WHEREAS the item on the Fallon meeting agenda regarding the discussion of the Special Caucus Rules was  unspecific, vague, and obscure, and did not properly inform the Nevada Republican Central Committee members of the items to be discussed and voted upon;

WHEREAS members of the NRCC were not given the necessary time to research and consider the binding of National Delegates voted upon during the November 20, 2010 NRCC meeting;

WHEREAS certain voting members of the NRCC were told that the delegate binding issue would not be voted upon at the November 20, 2010, NRCC meeting;

WHEREAS when the Special Rules were ultimately passed at the NRCC Meeting held in Carson City on April 2, 2011, the NRCC members were led to believe that the delegate binding was not up for discussion, and that the only considerations at issue were the specific mechanics of the delegate binding process;


• That the NRCC finds that the Nevada Special Caucus Rules of 2012 were not properly considered by the NRCC because the body was rushed into a decision on the delegate binding process without proper notice, research, or debate.



• That the NRCC directs the NRCC Chair and Executive Committee to formally propose rules at the next regular NRCC meeting to prevent this from occurring in the future, by requiring the same prior notice for the adoption or amending of rules as is currently required for the adopting or amending of the by-laws.


Resolution to Reestablish Republican Unity and Principles

WHEREAS Republican Party organizations at all levels consist of numerous Americans giving generously of their valuable time to promote and protect The Constitution of the United States, the Republican Party Platform, and the Republican National Committee (RNC) Rules; we observe that all Republican Party members have an fundamental right to be treated with integrity, and;

WHEREAS the Republican National Convention vote to accept the Report of the 2012 RNC Convention Rules Committee unmistakably violated applicable parliamentary procedure, and;

WHEREAS The Secretary of the Convention was presented with notarized presidential nomination forms for Dr. Ron Paul, in accordance with the rules, and the record of the Convention fails to reflect this, and;

WHEREAS These actions violated RNC Rules, and displayed a profound disrespect for rank and file Republicans.  This behavior furthers a destructive top-down dictatorial method of operation within the Republican Party.  Sincere unity must exist in the Republican Party to defend our distinctive American way of life from endless attacks;

RESOLVED that the Nevada Republican Central Committee (NRCC) petitions the RNC that the vote to accept the Report of the 2012 RNC Rules Committee be declared void and the record of the convention be updated to reflect this, and;

RESOLVED that the Nevada Republican Central Committee petitions the RNC that the record of the 2012 RNC Convention be amended to show that Dr. Ron Paul’s name was put into nomination by the submission of the six nominating forms in accordance with the rules in effect at that time, and;

RESOLVED that the Nevada Republican Central Committee strongly encourages the RNC to issue a press release confirming the above appeals have been completed and that the RNC commits itself to adhering to its Rules by demonstrating integrity in all activities, and;

RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Nevada Republican Central Committee will ensure this Resolution and Addendum is broadcast via a national press release by the most efficient and expeditious means available, within two business days of passage and that the Nevada Republican Party Committeeman and Committeewoman will ensure transmission of this Resolution and Addendum to all RNC members by the most efficient and expeditious means available, within two business days of passage, encouraging them to advocate passage of same by their respective state and associated county central committees.
Addendum A to Resolution to Reestablish Republican Unity and Principles

Note:This addendum is attached to the Resolution to ensure clarity and justification for the claims and appeals made within the Resolution.

Towards Integrity, Then Unity

We, the Nevada Republican Central Committee make it known that we delayed presentation and publication of this Resolution until after the 2012 Presidential Election to unmistakably demonstrate support and respect for our Republican candidate. Unlike events at the 2012 Republican National Committee (RNC) Tampa Convention, we demand integrity and sincere unity in Republican Party affairs.

The RNC silenced the delegates, and therefore, all Republicans, during the vote to accept the RNC Rules Committee Report, in violation of RNC Rules, specifically, our Preamble. The Preamble of our RNC Rules sets out a clear vision for the Party to function properly. The leadership of the Party exercised exceptionally poor judgment in their decision making, clearly violating that Preamble. As members of the Republican Party it is our duty to take actions necessary to ensure that our Party respects our rules.

Specific Grievances

1) The report of the 2012 RNC Convention Rules Committee was not accepted properly. Legitimate cries of “Division” were heard, clearly requiring actions which were not taken (see Rules of the House of Representatives, Rule XX, 1. (a) Voting and Quorum Calls)

2) Therefore, Rule 40 (b) could not have been amended and the original requirement for five states remained the criteria. Considering this and that the RNC Secretary was handed candidate nomination forms in accordance with the rules, there should have been a nomination from the floor. The record of the convention fails to reflect this.

We Petition for Redress of These Grievances

According to the Resolution, we petition the RNC to invalidate the Rules Committee vote, amend the record of the convention and RNC Rules currently in effect to reflect this. We petition the RNC that forms submitted to nominate a candidate from the floor be corrected in the record, reflecting that any said candidates were nominated. Further, we request the RNC issue a press release once these actions are completed.

We Must Return to Our Founding Principles

In an unwise attempt to manufacture the appearance of unity behind our nominee, the RNC violated our own rules to squelch legitimate dissent. In fact, this resulted in further division and dissention. We sacrificed our integrity for the world to see. Integrity and unity can’t be manufactured; they must be earned.

This recent act of fraud disenfranchised all Republicans that gave and continue to give so dearly of their time and money to our Party. It is immoral and supremely arrogant to expect rank and file Republicans to diligently work precincts and maintain unquestioning loyalty to the party just to have the rules manipulated at the end of a four year effort.

We no longer yield to special friends, legacies, and wealthy donors to prescribe the purpose and direction of the Republican Party. We the Nevada Republican Central Committee affirm that The Constitution of the United States, the Republican Party Platform, and the Preamble of the Republican National Committee Rules define the purpose, structure, and function of America and the Republican Party. We demand that the leadership of the RNC adhere to and propagate the principles set out in these documents.

This Party belongs to all of us and We The People declare that the rules will be followed. Going forward, the duty to ensure integrity in our party falls to all our members. Mr. Clint Eastwood was most correct at our convention when he stated, “We (you and me) own this country…politicians are our employees.” The leadership of the RNC are our employees. As Republicans, we must remain engaged and supervise our employees.

Reference Material to Support Grievances and Demands for Redress

a) Preamble to 2008, 2010, and 2012 RNC Rules:

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican Party is the party of the open door. Ours is the party of liberty, the party of equality, of opportunity for all, and favoritism for none.

It is the intent and purpose of these rules to encourage and allow the broadest possible participation of all voters in Republican Party activities at all levels and to assure that the Republican Party is open and accessible to all Americans.

b) Rules of the House of Representatives, January 5, 2011

Rule XX – Voting and Quorum Calls

1. (a) The House shall divide after the Speaker has put a question to a vote by voice as provided in clause 6 of rule I if the Speaker is in doubt or division is demanded. Those in favor of the question shall first rise from their seats to be counted, and then those opposed.

c) Video of Submission of Nomination Forms - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXZ9kzIvokY  “6 States Officially Submitting Their Ron Paul Nomination Forms to the Secretary of the RNC”

d) – Utah Republican Committeeman Bruce Hough Blog Post http://www.brucehough.blogspot.com/2012/09/rnc-rule-changes-needed-because-some.html  Proof that Rules vote was scripted.  Committeeman Hough’s statement that the vote count was “whipped” ahead of time and his after-the-fact attempt to rationalize the sounds heard in the hall are inconsistent with a significant amount of delegates.  Further, his statements on this topic are not relevant as the Rules of the House of Representatives were the governing parliamentary rules in effect for the Convention.  Those rules required an alternate method of counting be used in response to any calls of Division.

e) Excerpts from 2008 RNC Rules amended in 2010. – These excerpts explain why the Rules vote took place first and gives insight into why the RNC took these actions to change 40(b) prior to Nominations being cast.

RULE NO. 26, Committee Reports
(a) The report of the Committee on Credentials shall be disposed of before the report of the
Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business is acted upon; the report of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business shall be disposed of before the report of the Convention Committee on Resolutions is acted upon; and the report of the Convention Committee on Resolutions shall be disposed of before the convention proceeds to the nomination of candidates for President of the United States and Vice President of the United States. The report of the Convention Committee on Permanent Organization shall be disposed of at any time after the disposition of the report of the Convention Committee on Credentials, but before the nomination of candidates, based upon the Order of Business as prepared by the Republican National Committee.

RULE NO. 40, Nominations
(b) Each candidate for nomination for President of the United States and Vice President of the United States shall demonstrate the support of a plurality of the delegates from each of five (5) or more states, severally, prior to the presentation of the name of that candidate for nomination.

RULE NO. 42, Temporary Rules
Rule Nos. 25 through No. 42 shall be the temporary rules of the next national convention and its committees and subcommittees.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


This is the FIRST time I've had an opportunity to visit my blog in over 2 weeks. Patrick has posted some of my article on here, but not all. You can see them on Freedom Outpost. When I got home from the convention, I had to go right to another event. Monday night, I got an anguished phone call from my convention roommate, Juanita Cox, that Jim Uprichard, a fellow Nevada delegate & another roommate, had been in an accident in Daytona Beach, on his Harley. Fortunately, it wasn't fatal, and he's in Halifax hospital with a broken arm & concussion. If you were at the convention, surely you saw Jim. He spent all of Thursday evening wearing his "Minority Reports" t-shirt & giving interviews to reporters out in the mezzanine. He just couldn't bear to sit in his seat on the floor & witness the "coronation."

Below is my wrap-up article on Freedom Outpost that I submitted before Jim's accident, where ironically I included him, & a photo of him with Vermin Supreme.

I want to send a shout-out to all the friends I made in Tampa, and let everyone know how much we accomplished in spite of fighting an uphill battle. The love vibe was amazing, and I'm so proud of everyone!

Hope you enjoy my article about the "coronation."

Cynthia Kennedy
Delegate, Nevada
Member of the Platform Cmte


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Dateline: Weds, 2am

Well, I'm sure ALL of you watched the convention yesterday. It's very late right now & I can't type for long as we have to get up waaaaay early to go on a breakfast boat ride. We're calling it our, "Three Hour Cruise." Anyway, above are some articles & videos.

- What you probably didn't know is that very important people on the Rules Committee were kept on buses that circled around the convention center for hours, so those members could not get in & argue against the new, horrible, blasphemous rules - which passed, in a nanosecond. The Teleprompter even said, “The ayes have it!” so the vote was scripted, just like ALL of the convention.

- Earlier, Ron came on the floor at 1:30pm & made his way around the states that supported him, shaking hands & posing for photos. I stayed with Ron for most of his circuit & talked a bit with Doug Wead. He's always been very kind to me & given advice when I've asked. He took my photo w/Ron. But “stayed” with Ron really doesn’t describe what I was doing. Remember that “Mary Tyler Moore” show when the clown had died & the office gang were all crying with their arms around each other, & they shuffled over to the kleenex box on Mary’s desk? That’s what Ron’s tour around the convention hall was like. Inch-long shuffles down between chair rowss, up and down aisles. There were about 527 people trying to walk with Ron in a space for 2. When Ron got to Texas, Dan Rather was on the periphery & I talked with him for awhile. He found out I was on the Platform Cmte & asked me if a Definition of Marriage Amendment had been in there. I said it was & told him how I’d argued against it several times & asked that it be stricken. He thanked me very sincerely for that, & even though I’m no Dan Rather fan anymore, I told him how much I appreciated his bulldogging of Nixon back in the 70's & that he too was responsible for bringing Nixon to justice. Dan lit up that I remembered that, and he gladly asked his grandson to take a photo of me with him when I asked if that was possible.

- But the rest of the day - what can I say? It was absolutely horrible to hear the Nay vote on credentials & rules get positively bulldozed into the rafters. They would NOT hear ANY dissent! We called for “Division,” to have the vote counted, but we might as well have voted for Santa Claus to ride in on a sleigh. Then, the music came up, & those morons danced to GE Smith’s band’s excellent music. Can you believe it? GE Smith of Sat. Night Live fame? His band is GREAT & too good for these schmucks. I doubt any of them could even tell you the name of any blues artist. GE’s band looked like they burned one before they came in, & they probably did to have to sell themselves out to gig for the RNC.

- So, I was upstairs when the Credentials & Rules votes were called. Did you hear me yellling? Boy, my friends/family from Texas were MAD & I could see Jeremy Blosser on the monitors, furiously yelling, “Point of ORDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

- After that, I ran down to the floor as I thought I hadn’t missed Rules & wanted to be down there. While I was running down the warren of stairs in the center (The place is absurd & it’s incredibly confusing trying to get from one floor to the next, in fact to get to the 4th floor, if you’re on the 6th, you have to go to the 2nd & then walk up. I just wondered how many would die if there was a fire, as the hall definitely held more than its maximum & was filled with carpet, cardboard signs, curtains & all kinds of flammable stuff.) Anyway, by the time I got to the floor, the Rules vote was over!!??

- The Roll Call vote for nominations had begun & I made my way over to Nevada. Dr. Wayne Terhune, our Delegate Chair, was already at the mic, waiting. As the states counted down, I wondered what was going to happen. Would we be thrown out? Jim Ayala stood next to Wayne in his black “Oathkeepers” t-shirt & hat. Jim’s a big guy, & he was acting as Wayne’s bodyguard, but we also wanted to send a msg out to the country that we knew our Constitution. The aisle with the mic was PACKED, but the neo-cons had their orders: walk up & down in an already maxed aisle & disrupt Nevada. Back & forth they squeezed past us. One guy with a hat, you probably saw him on tv, actually stood right in front of Wayne to block the camera from seeing him.

Earlier, when Ron had come on the floor, I’d pulled my “zip” RP banner out of my shirt where I stashed it before our convention entrance frisking. We’d been told that we’d be checked for EVERYTHING, but the inspection was minimal. When our host buses took us from the Doubletree to the center, we traveled on freeways that were totally devoid of traffic, except us! The freeway on-ramps were closed & there were Secret Svc checkpoints at ea. one. When the agent on the bus & the ground exchanged their codes to let us in the perimeter, I jokingly said, “We’re just Bozos on this bus!” but no one got the reference. Lisa Marie Johnson & I were sitting up front so we could dash to our committee meetings first thing. Platform turned out to be a waste of time because all we did was vote the final Platform up or down. What else could you do? It was all printed & the Chairs were busily autographing copies. I’d brought my anti-NDAA language just in case there was a final chance, but I was crazy to think it could ever get in.

Anyway, I pulled out my trusty, “I AM Ron Paul!” sign & held it over my head as I followed Ron around the room, then a thug/security stepped up & told me in no uncertain terms to hand over the sign. I meekly said, “I’ll put it away, sir.” and stuck it back in my shirt. “NO, GIVE ME THE SIGN!” so I had to hand it over. When we were at the mic with Wayne, Victoria happened to have another zip sign, so she passed it over. We unfurled it, and the same thing happened. Our sign was taken, BAD LIBERTY LOVERS, BAD! But, we had another zip sign, reloaded & held it hidden until the last minute, when Wiz raised it over his head. I asked Jim Uprichard if he had the length of RP stickers I’d given him that morning. He did, & I peeled one off to put on my cheek at the last minute.
  “Nebraska......” We would be next! The tension mounted. The glares from Nevada’s neo-con delegates lasered in on us & especially Wayne. Heidi Smith, out-going National Committeewoman, who had her marching papers handed to her by us at our state convention, held up her Mitt sign. It didn’t matter. I stuck the RP sticker on my cheek, turned my head, stood on my tiptoes & looked at Wayne. He began to read his pencil-written notes and the hall erupted into screams as we nominated Ron with 15 votes from Nevada, 5 abstained votes, and as an afterthought, 5 for Romney. We did it!
I’ll tell you later about how underhanded & rotten just getting that nomination form in, was. Former Gov. Bob List (who had called RP supporters “Angry Bees” in a television interview a month ago) marched up to Wayne, “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Wayne’s daughter, who stood to his right during the nomination widened her eyes, “Is that the language that a former governor of Nevada should be using on a national convention floor?” List sputtered out more angry rhetoric, and the video Jim Uprichard took will be up on youtube soon with the entire altercation documented. In fact List got right in Wayne’s face & spit flew out of his mouth as he stridently attacked Wayne. Jim touched List in the shoulder, warning him to step back. List turned to a reporter and snarled, “He’s had his 15 minutes of fame and THEY’RE UP!”
  Meanwhile, the press swarmed in & got what they wanted, but most of them did not have the whole story.

- Nominating paperwork had to be in to the convention Secretary, an hour before the roll call. Six states had the majority they needed to nominate Ron according to the rules requiring five states. If we had five, Ron would be nominated & get some speech time, with one extra state, -- lagniappe! The states he had were: NV, OR, IA, MN, and the Virgin Islands. So, just go to the Secretary & submit the paperwork, right? Well, that Secretary just couldn’t be found. She was here - somewhere. Yeti would have been easier to find than that Secretary. She was “wearing a red dress.” No one of that description could be found. “Oh, she changed her dress!” Doesn’t everyone change their dress midday? Then when found, she wanted to call EVERY person on the six states nominating paperwork to verify their signatures in LESS THAN AN HOUR!!
  Well, it all was moot anyway, as when those Rules were passed in committee, they had raised the six state minimum to EIGHT!!! A nomination rule passed EX POST FACTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello? Are we in the United States still, or some banana republic? Later we joked that if we’d gotten eight states, they would have wanted 50, or SIXTY, or even Canada & Tasmania thrown in. Whatever it was, the RNC WAS NOT ALLOWING ANYONE TO BE NOMINATED, ER -- CROWNED BUT THEIR FAVORED CLOWN!!

- Okay, so we’d thrown ourselves on the barbed wire, were bleeding and needed a drink. Wayne wanted to go en masse, and throw Monday’s credential badges (we needed to keep that day’s badges for our own security) on the stage & march out. I said we needed to stay to provide solidarity for the other states trying to nominate Ron. He agreed. Rhode Island came over & asked to borrow our sign, “Sure!” I noticed two piles of Romboid signs on the floor -- one pile mass produced, the other their faked-up homemade signs. Disgusting. They have to provide homemade signs because no one even makes their own signs for Romboid. Whereas we lovingly make our signs, design gorgeous graphics, make bold, innovative youtubes, write stirring songs, fly blimps, erect bill boards, organize Ronvoys, etc., all because we love our Constitution, and its defender, Ron. We stood at the back of our delegation (we were seated on the sides, the layout is rectangular, way at the very back, on purpose by the RNC, giving favored status up front to those states that are better-behaved than we rowdy Nevadans), & roared for Ron every time his name was heard. I made a point of screaming “Ron Paul” every time there was the momentary gap in commentary between states. I didn’t care about looking disruptive or looney. The woman who repeated the vote counts for each State wouldn’t even SAY Ron’s name or the vote count. You only heard it from the Delegation Chair’s report at the mic. What is this, the USSR? Four legs good, two legs bad?
  The roll call was coming to an end & I said, “Wayne, I don’t think the badge deal is a good idea. I think they’ll laugh at us & no one’s going to see us anyway. They won’t point the cameras at us.” He agreed. So we split up to get something to eat & meet for our official delegation group photo upstairs.
As I’ve mentioned, getting around in that center is a challenge. I knew the lay of the land from traversing the levels to find my Platform mtg, so I grabbed a hunk of pizza & a water & went to the photo site to wait. Delegates trickled in, some were in tears, others were fighting mad. It took a while to wrangle us as we’re such a contentious lot :0) ...but finally we all assembled on the risers. No, make that “some” of us assembled on the risers. There were members of our delegation that now found us untouchable & didn’t want to be in our official photo. Fine, just makes the photo nicer!
  Meanwhile, out on the floor, the neocons were grooving & frugging to GE Smith & his band. All the scene needed was a Golden Calf on the stage, and Moses striding out to break the Ten Commandments over their heads. These sheeple have obeyed their masters & voted for the WORST party rules in the history of democratic vote. Hey!

Time to PARTEE’!


What was the plan? I decided to throw in with Sherry & her husband, with Ann & Jim, walk to their car & drive back to the Doubletree. Off we went. First, was about a mile of tented walkway, which passed by CNN’s HUGE official studio, bar, grill & dancefloor -- a general den of media hedonism. We thought, “Hey, I’ll bet they’d like to interview some of those BRAVE, liberty-loving Nevadans, right?” Knock, knock (you needed the special Communist News Network badge to get in), “Hello, we’re part of the Nevada delegation that nominated Ron Paul, is there anyone in there who might want to interview us? Piers Morgan? Wolf Blitzer? Maybe Anderson Cooper? We DO have that champion of Individual Rights, Cynthia Kennedy, with us, who argued so strenuously for Individual Rights in the Platform, and oddly enough was defeated - along with the rest of us. We happen to have enough time for a short interview with CNN.”

Remember that scene in the “Wizard of Oz” where Dorothy knocks on the door of the Emerald City & is told to go away. Well, that was our response. We were already old news. In the space of an hour, we were fish wrap. Now, Ann Romney & her saga of painful existence in the millionaire’s milieu in which she found herself after marrying Mitt, was of more interest. Screw that fair elections & fair representation crapola when we’ve got another Barbie (potential) first lady to promote.
  So, we walked, a mile this way, a mile that way. About two miles out we passed three guys holding Ron Paul signs and happily greeting delegates as they walked by. It must have been 90 degrees with 90% humidity, but there they were, in ties, spreading the RP Love. We stopped & chatted, took a few photos. A woman w/a media badge walked by & asked, “What happened in there today?” I responded,” Haven’t YOU been watching the news?” She: “No.” Me: “Well, then I can’t begin to tell you, just that the cheaters won.”
  Then we walked another few miles, all this time passing 100's of National Guards, State Police, Secret Service, Ho Chi Minh’s Red Army, Buckingham Palace Guards, Czar Nicholas’ Royal Cavalry, and a couple of mountain men with black powder rifles. None of them were doing anything. Milling seemed to be the order of the day. We ran into another group of Paulistas on a corner & they were beating a drum & waving signs. Trucks circled the permitted area with RP signs, & EVERY street crossing button had a RP sticker above it.
  Finally, we reached the car!! Sherry had dropped off her husband at the center earlier that day & then found a parking space in Georgia. At least that’s the state I think we were in, it might have been Alabama. I’m directionally challenged here & have already gotten in fights over going south when I know we’re going west. If it’s one direction I know, it’s WEST - dammit!! All this time, I had to pee, but I couldn’t have. My pants were so drenched with sweat that I couldn’t have peeled them off anyway.
  Back we went to the Doubletree, and soon the rest of our delegation joined us. They had found a cab that had just about enough seats for all of them, so they tied a few on the roof (that’s why they are called “bound delegates”) and took off. “Air conditioning, PLEASE,” they begged the driver. We’d done the same thing when we found our car. Wayne’s cabal though, had been captured again by the RNC (they’re always trying to get us down) & when the air was turned on, it was HEAT!! After walking to Kentucky to get a cab, they had to ride like slaves on the ship Amistad with no air, and their Moroccan driver confusing “air” with “hair” or some other North African phrase that means, “I’m as hot as I’ve ever been in my life and am about to explode, would you please make it HOTTER?!”
  BUT, we had been oh so smart to blow Dodge by our own means. When the buses came to take the delegates back to their host hotels, it took at least THREE HOURS for them to get thru their security gauntlets - nanananananananaaaaah!

Meanwhile, WE Defenders of the Constitution, were defending our right to put copious amounts of rum, vodka, coconut liquor, maraschino cherries, pineapple, and paper umbrellas in OUR bodies at Whiskey Joes, the site of Ron Paul’s GIGANTIC blow-out after his festival Sunday. Texas had organized this (Long Island Ice) TEA Party, and we met some of their stalwarts on the deck selling “Remember the Alamo” t-shirts that had the battleships from all the states that didn’t get seated, on them. BTW, did you hear the crescendo of “SEAT THEM NOW!!” that went out? WOW, we rocked that place with our shouts. But, the rino’s went into gear & countered with “USA now!” which you heard in greater force on tv, as they engineered it that way. Can you believe that? They PLANNED on drowning out any of our cries with pre-recorded audio, and a trained choir of the Vienna Boy Rinos.
  I ran for the bar & got a Mai Tai & then joined our peeps & got a salad & some fried calamari. It was so good, that Sherry & her husband are going back just for that. Meanwhile, the Texans were having a summit. While Nevada sat in their booths scarfing fish tacos, Louie salads and other viands, and drinks coming by the score, Texas kept making impassioned speeches about the days’ events & what they had spawned. Boy, we were called “Angry Bees” by our former Guv, but Texas was like an enraged hornets’ nest. That’s what the neocons never thought of, of course, they think of mean & nasty things they can do to us, like a h.a.a.r.p. hurricane, and airconditioning that doesn’t work in cabs, but they don’t not squat about:

Oh, Ron would have smiled. The blowback that night made Isaac look like a gentle breeze, faintly tosseling a young child’s curls, on a spring day with bluebirds singing, and rabbits hopping about in nature’s sleepy reverie.
  This blowback was Wagnerian, and I could hear the choppers blades’ whirling as Jeremy Blosser and his gang stood on chairs and entreated the four winds, all the seas, and God’s archangels to join in our fight for justice. Then Richie Havens walked in, pulled out his guitar & began to sing, “Freedom.” No, not really, but that was the atmosphere in the room. This guy I didn’t know, Richard Engle, from Oklahoma (Are you a parking lot delegate, or a bathroom delegate, a convention hall delegate, or a deli delegate? I only mention this because lots of Oklahomans were parking lot delegates & they had a VERY cool t-shirt which I tried to buy, but many RP people will NOT sell you the shirt off their backs because they intend to wear it until the day they die & be buried in it as they WILL NOT FORGET, NOR WILL THEY LET ANYONE FORGET & they want to let everyone know THEIR ROLE IN THE FIGHT FOR OUR CONSTITUTION (and don’t you forget). Our neighbors at the villa/dump, at Saddlebrook are also parking lot delegates. I’ve told them I’m a Big Lots delegate just to have some parity, though I’m actually one of those ordinary State Convention birthed delegates. I mean, I didn’t even get socked in the nose once to get elected, or have a mic bashed over my head (did I mention how the Zitt people were banging their signs over the heads of the Paulistas on the convention floor? Boy, did that make people mad, esp. the Texas women with their big hair. Hell doth not know the fury of a Texas woman who has had her carefully-sculpted big hair beaten down by a campaign sign. Oh, but all the RP woman aren’t of the big hair sect. They mostly have long braids, wear Birkenstocks, and roach clip earrings dangle from their lobes. “Those RP people, they only want to end the War on Drugs so they can get stoned - stoned? STONE THEM!!!” But honestly, the Zittsters were hitting Paulistas with their signs. “You square peg get in that round hole -- NOW!”
  Let’s see....I was talking about Richard Engle....he made a REAL good speech, talked about how this was his fourth convention & he WAS NOT going gently into that good night. Such rousing stuff.
Jeremy came over & wanted to hug in case we didn’t see each other again. I told him I wanted to kiss him instead, and remarked about how GREAT he looked on tv, yelling, “Point of ORDER!” You can always tell the measure of a man by the intensity of his Point of Order. I ribbed that he looked like Kinky Friedman’s son in his Stetson hat & state of Texas shirt. He said the press had a field day with their states’ outfits & they did look like a Broadway cast of “Oklahoma,” or an Olympic squad that had made a right (faaaaaaaaaaaaaar right) turn to Florida, and missed London.
  Boy, I could have (pretended) to dance all night, but we had our “Three Hour Cruise” tomorrow & had to be at the docks at 8:30am. Whose idea was THAT! We drove home to the villa, where the unit of Sheriff’s patrol cars stood sentry, protecting the compound of golf courses, tennis courts and delegation digs.
  Even though it was TWO A.M., the lure of the internet was too strong & laptops were snapped open & we poured over the reportage of the days’ events. Gee it’s fun to be the object of scorn & derision, and then loved & practically deified. 

I wanted to transcribe Kurt’s speech to the Rules committee, but the lights had to go out. At 7:30, when the alarm went off, I hurriedly dressed & was ready, and in the minutes left before we got in the car, I transcribed Kurt’s notes & added beginning & ending paragraphs & sent the article off to my editor. 
The “news” had reported that Ron didn’t get enough states for the nomination. Nothing I saw explained that he DID have enough states, THEY just CHANGED the RULES!
  Our progress to the pier was impeded by traffic, broken down cars & a guy pushing his car. We laughed at all the things the RNC had done to keep us from our boat ride. Yesterday, I’d left a msg on Carol Paul’s phone, inviting the family to join us. We thought we’d have a lot of room as the neocon faction of our delegation surely wouldn’t show, & they didn’t. Below is her response:
  “Thanks for the breakfast invitation - after the storm warning and cancelling of Monday - the bus wanted to get them (the family) back so they have already gone to Texas. Ron and I will also be returning earlier than planned. We know nothing about the video (the “tribute they’re going to show Weds. night) or where the pictures came from, etc. We will listen to Rand on the TV -- I think he has 8-10 min. Thanks for all the messages and updates. Carol”
(Stuff in the parens is my addition -- CK)
  The boat ride was nice, but we couldn’t stop talking politics. It’s so wonderful to be with people who can never get enough. It’s all we talk about. We’re just totally manic.
  Now, back at the Doubletree, I wanted to interview Wayne & Jennifer about yesterday, and how everything went down, but they got by me & I think are taking naps. That’s fine, they needed sleep. I’ve only been able to write in this casual format about a small percentage of this experience, but when I get home, I’ll try to fill in the gaps. Meanwhile, I’m bivouacked here at the Doubletree & we’ll head out on the buses, or take a cab, to get to the convention in time for Ron’s video & Rand’s speech at 7pm. After that, I’m sure we’ll split, and maybe go back to Whiskey Joe’s for more calamari & Hurricanes!

PS: Thank you to everyone who has sent me such kind messages (and $$!) of support!

Monday, August 27, 2012

UPDATE - Tampa GOP Convention LINK

27 August, 2012 --- Things are heating up in more ways than weather-wise in Tampa. SEE my stories on all that has transpired at the 2012 GOP Platform Committee, Rules Committee, and soon, the convention itself. Please visit http://freedomoutpost.com/author/cynthia/ ...for all the latest. THANKS to all of you for your support in the fight for liberty! CK

Thursday, August 23, 2012

http://freedomoutpost.com/​2012/08/​gop-2012-national-platform-live​-a-mixed-bag-of-isms-with-a-go​od-dose-of-neocon/ I spent almost ALL DAY writing this article & downed most of a bottle of wine when it was finished close to midnight. Honestly, I was shocked when the gang returned from dinner & I still hadn't finished. Never did have dinner, so that chardonnay had quite an effect! Then, Juanita, I and Marla & Kurt were all over the internet, glued to the weather channel & watching car chase & black ice crash videos & laughing our heads off in rumminess. It was SUCH a hoot! While I was writing (for hours), Kurt was reading EVERY page of the Rules & throwing out possibilities and scenarios that might happen. It is very cool rooming w/a Rules person. We will go w/him today to their welcoming meeting & get our guest credentials. This is all VERY EXCITING & FUN!!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Almost Time to Go!

First, I want to give BIG THANKS to EVERYONE who has donated. You don't know how much your support means to me!


Right now, I'm doing my packing before I fly out early tomorrow morning. Besides putting together clothes for two weeks, I'm also organizing all my Platform Committee and convention paperwork. You have not idea how much there is! LOTS of stuff.


Hello, and welcome to my blog!

If you've come here because of my entreaty for help with my expenses to the GOP National Convention, THANK YOU!

When I put my name in the hat to become a National Delegate, I had no idea that it would become so expensive, and that most of the entities that I thought would help, would not be interested in the slightest. BIG THANKS go to Applied Water & Soil Technologies, who gave me $250.

If you haven't looked, Tampa decided with the convention coming, to multiply the price of everything to extraordinary heights. The delegation of Nevada wanted to get a house together, & we found one that was perfect and around $1600/week - GREAT! The homeowner turned around & raised the rent to $10,000! Then, the RNC rented just about everything they could find in town, so availability was also a problem. Our host hotel, the Doubletree Inn is ONLY $250/night!!!! So, when you start adding up almost two weeks in lovely Tampa in August, it gets pretty scary when you can't even afford to take a decent vacation.

In Tampa, I look forward to being a force on the Platform Committee. I have been working with other RP State Platform Cmte people, and implementing their ideas. I want to be a representative for all of us in Tampa. One of my roommates in Tampa is on the Rules Committee. If it's possible (they might not let guests in), I want to go to those meetings, too, as they start after Platform. We must have FAIR rules, and get all of our delegations seated. Nevada was lucky and unchallenged.

I've had my first telephone conference call with the RP campaign. Unfortunately, it did not go well. The campaign is not optimistic about the nomination, and our delegation took great offense to that. Nevada is comprised of fighters, and we are going to fight till the end. We will not leave the hall, we will not be forced to vote for Romney. I will be spending all my time after the Platform Cmte meetings, networking, trying to find the best way to success at the convention.

I'm also a part of the suit in the 9th Circuit with the Lawyers for Ron Paul. Richard Gilbert & I will be talking. He is sure about his plan, and I want to help him implement it. Convention week, we are staying in the same place as the Louisiana and Texas delegations. We will spend a big effort trying to win over delegates. If we get the decision from the judge that everyone can unbind, we will be working nonstop on gathering votes.

So, if you have some spare bucks to send me, THANKS!!
I wrote a bit about what I want to do, so that you'd know I'm not just going to Tampa to get a tan & wear a funny hat at a convention. I have work to do, and I take the responsibility very seriously.

I am YOUR delegate in Tampa!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Right now, my life is consumed with attending the Republican National Convention. I'm not only a National Delegate, but also on the Platform Committee. I didn't know when I signed on, that the city of Tampa would inflate everything I'm going to have to buy to stay in their city by the bay; I could have gone on a grand trip to Paris for what it's costing me to stay in humid, hot, wonderful Tampa, while fighting my best fight for our Constitution and Ron Paul.

Wish you could go with me? Well, you can, sort of. Drop a few coins in my donation basket, and I'll let you know how every step of the Liberty way goes in Tampa.

Thank you!


I watched "CBS Sunday Morning" today, and just had to respond to Tavis Smiley's editorial:

I thoroughly disagree with Smiley's editorial. Poverty is NOT the new slavery. American businesses are the new slaves. Smiley's focus on poverty being the problem is totally misguided. Proverty is a RESULT of our corrupt government, which has made it next to impossible for anything but multi-giant corporations to survive in this country. There would be little poverty if there were jobs. Why aren't there jobs? Because it is impossible now to start a business, and it's impossible for small businesses to grow large in an atmosphere where they are taxed, licensed and regulated to death, while corporate giants get away with anything due to their lawyers, beancounters, and bought & paid for public servants and politicians who march to the dollar sign, and not the service of the American citizen. Your editorial seemed to infur Smiley, that the rich should be taxed more, so that money could be given to the poor who are paying more than their fair share of taxes? Do you know that the poor don't pay taxes, unless you are counting the hidden taxes that are passed on to us when these corporations are taxed? It's a vicious circle, and you of all people should know that taxing the rich does not result in life being any better for the poor. The FREE MARKETS need to be available to all! Until the business/economic climate is made free again, so that people have a chance with a small start-up, and companies don't leave because more than half of their operating costs are spent on taxes & regulation (see Obamacare), we will continue to have record poverty in this country.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Welcome to your blog.

Oh Cyn U gotta blog - and it's going to be great!

Have fun - and rip 'em up!
